When Bus (Columbus) last checked in (White Water Epoxy) he had just gotten back from the Rogue...
White Water Epoxy
ChemCo Systems materials are frequently used in large infrastructure projects; they are used in manufacturing, on interstate highways, or they might be part of a reservoir system near you. However, Bob Carlson, of Carlson Designs, uses KEMKO products to create a small mobile device that is used around the globe. I recently bounced down the Wild and Scenic Section of the Rogue River, with a Carlson white water raft pump (http://www.carlsonriverboard.com/about.html). The pump and I traveled down a 34-mile stretch of river through the Siskiyou National Forest, past five bear sightings, one river otter and several bald eagles; we traveled through several Class IV Rapids (and a couple side-canyon hikes). Each morning before leaving camp, I used Carlson’s pump to top off the air in the rafts and inflatable kayaks. Carlson’s pump employs a simple, robust design with an efficiency and durability that make it stand out in the rafting industry. In fact, I was once told that in the rafting world, "If you're not using a Carlson pump, you're using a knock off." Carlson offers a 10 year warranty on the pump’s parts and workmanship. For a device that survives Class V white water rapids strapped to a rubber raft, this is extreme confidence in the design, the components, the assembly of the pump, and the glue that holds it together.
Today, Carlson pumps can be found wherever there is a whitewater adventure, but how did he start using KEMKO materials to hold his pumps together? Carlson and ChemCo have a history that goes back beyond ChemCo’s beginning to ChemCo’s roots in Adhesive Engineering. In fact, Carlson was a part of early ChemCo advertisements and was photographed applying epoxies in the palace of fine arts and performing concrete repair underwater. Carlson has not had to worry about quality, availability, customer service, or trading river stories since. If you have a unique application, give us a call! You can expect a straight answer directing you to a product that will work under your unique operating conditions.